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Gluten-Free/Vegan Gingerbread Men Cookies

Gingerbread Men are so 2011. This Christmas, gingerbread is coming in Ninja form:


They shall be named NINJABREAD MEN!




Have a seat, friends, we need to talk. Have you been feeling down this holiday season because you are gluten-free? Have you felt that pang in your heart as you have had to pass the plate of delicious treats? Well cry no more because these Gingerbread Cookies are unfathomably delicious! Santa Clause has come early this year and he is handing out probably the best tasting gluten, egg, AND dairy-free gingerbread cookies you will ever sink your teeth into this Christmas season.


The flavor will punch-kick you right in the mouth. Guaranteed. And the best part? Tastes JUST like they were made with flour, eggs, and butter.


NinjaBread Men Cookies Recipe

See Brooke’s original recipe before I took the gluten, egg, and dairy out of it.

Gluten, egg, and dairy-free

Makes a swarm of Ninja cookies


  • 1/2 c vegan butter
  • 2 1/2 c gluten-free all purpose flour mix
  • 1/2 c sugar
  • 1/2 c molasses
  • 1 flaxseed meal egg (1 Tb flaxseed meal + 2 Tbs warm water, allow to sit for 5 minutes to thicken)
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1 tsp ground ginger
  • 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp ground cloves
  • 1 recipe Powdered sugar icing


  1. In a large bowl, beat margarine with an electric mixer on medium to high speed about 30 seconds or till softened.
  2. Add about half the flour.
  3. Add sugar, molasses, egg, baking soda, ginger, cinnamon, and cloves.  Beat till thoroughly combined.
  4. Beat or stir in the remaining flour.
  5. Divide dough in half.  Cover and chill about 3 hours or till easy to handle.
  6. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
  7. Grease a cookie sheet, then set aside.
  8. On a lightly floured surface, roll each half of dough in to 1/8 inch thickness.
    Using a cookie cutter of your choice, cut dough into shapes.
  9. Place 1″ apart on the prepared cookie sheet.
  10. Bake for 7 to 10 minutes or till edges are firm.  Cool on cookie sheet for 1 minute.  Transfer cookies to a wire rack.

Powdered Sugar Icing
Makes 1/2 c of icing

  • 1 c powdered sugar
  • 1/4 tsp vanilla
  • non-dairy milk
  • food coloring (optional)
  1. In a small mixing bowl, combine powdered sugar and vanilla.  Stir in a dash of non-dairy milk and food coloring (optional) until well blended and thick. If too thin, add more sugar. If too thick, add another dash of milk.
50 Comments Post a comment
  1. You frickin’ read my mind. I was looking for gluten free gingerbread men cookies (’cause I have 3 celiac friends), but I was going to make ninjabread men, ’cause those are the cookie cutters I bought 🙂

    January 31, 2013
  2. Cebrina #

    Best recipe ever! I did a few subsitutes because I didn’t have.

    December 29, 2012
    • These really are good, huh?! So happy that you tried them out!

      January 1, 2013
  3. These were amazing!! Thank the stars! I doubled the spices, and used blackstrap molasses. They were chewy (yet crunchy) and amazing… and now they’re gone. Thank you for having an awesome blog. I’m off to make thin mints for my darling husband. Yay!

    December 26, 2012
  4. Haiiii Ya!! yeah indeed.. you are one cray creative shaker missy!

    December 19, 2012
  5. Have I told you how much I love you today? You are so freaking awesome. Those cookies are the shiz!

    December 18, 2012
  6. erin #

    haha! we totally have ninja cookie cutters! they’re the best!!

    December 18, 2012
  7. Cara!! I love you 🙂 I’ve just gone gluten free and Ive been printing off so many fun things from your blog so I dont feel deprived over the next few weeks! These look soo good and I love the Ninjas 🙂 Pow pow!

    December 18, 2012
    • Welcome to the GF wagon!! What made you hop on, health issues?

      December 18, 2012
      • Yeah I was advised to go wheat and gluten free for a month to begin with as I have always suffered with problem skin and a dietician told me that problems in the digestive system can show in your face and skin so I’m hoping to see an improvement there. Also I have seen other positive changes like a flatter stomach and just more energy in general 🙂 being meat, dairy and now gluten free is taking some getting used too but your blog shows it can still be full of fun!

        December 18, 2012
  8. You’re fantastic! I’ve seen those cookie cutters and I’m glad you put them to use! 😀

    December 17, 2012
    • Aren’t they seriously the cutest things ever???

      December 18, 2012
  9. Hello, these are SO fun. And I just saw that you finaled at Veg News. Not surprised, of course. Hope you win!!! Congrats.

    December 17, 2012
    • Aw, thank you so much Kelly! I have my fingers crossed. HiiiiiiYa!

      December 18, 2012
  10. Oh these are by far the best gingerbread ninja cookies the blogosphere has seen! How fun are they? My son would go nuts over these.

    December 17, 2012
    • Sounds like someone will be buying their son some ninja cookie cutters soon… 😉

      December 18, 2012
  11. These are hysterical, Cara! Sorry I’m getting here so late to the party we had our Santa visit and then I decided to go insane and take two children to Ikea by myself. My head asplode. Perhaps it needs a good gingerbread roundhouse kick to the face.

    December 17, 2012
    • Uh, no apologies sister! *I* am the late one, are you kidding me?! ha.

      December 18, 2012
  12. Thank you for this recipe. I wanted those cookie cutters for my nephew but they won’t ship to Canada. Boo!

    December 17, 2012
    • A BIG Boooooo indeed! We need to figure out a way to sneak them over the border for you 🙂

      December 17, 2012
  13. These are just crazy cute!
    I’m nominating you for the ‘Healthy Fun Food” Blogger Award!
    Here’s the link

    But I’ll post about it tomorrow and show off your Ninjas too!
    Love this 🙂

    December 17, 2012
    • December 17, 2012
    • You have been so supportive and loving towards me–thank you so much for this nomination! It is so appreciated… xo

      December 17, 2012
  14. These are adorable! Do you think I could sub coconut oil for the butter?

    December 17, 2012
    • I don’t see why not Laura. Give it a try and tell me how they work out. Now I’m curious to hear the outcome…

      December 17, 2012
  15. Brilliant! Hiiiiiii Ya!

    December 17, 2012
    • hehehehe. I’m so glad you appreciate that 🙂

      December 17, 2012
  16. They look awesome! I bought my friend a set of these cutters last year, I couldn’t resist them!

    December 17, 2012
    • They are the stinkin’ cutest cutters, aren’t they? I heart them so!

      December 17, 2012
  17. I feel like I should collect cookie cutters…even though I’ve never in my entire life used a cookie cutter. For anything. Ever. You’re helping to convince me otherwise 😉

    December 17, 2012
    • You have never used a cookie cutter? Sounds like you need to break this cycle with a Ninja cutter! I’m kinda with you though on the collection. I buy cutters constantly despite the lack of cookie making in my house…

      December 17, 2012
      • Laurel #

        Q: The best way to cut the crusts off your bread for High Tea?
        A: Cookie cutters!

        December 17, 2012
        • Good thing I got a High Noon Tea Recipe book for one of my stocking stuffers! Now I am all set 🙂

          December 17, 2012
          • Laurel #

            Silly girl, High Tea is in the afternoon, just ask any of your Brit pals.

            December 17, 2012
      • Nope. Never made cut out cookies. We didn’t do Christmas cookies when I was a kid. IDKY. I guess my mom didn’t like cookies. She made lots of pie. I don’t like pie. Maybe because it replaced cookies. LOL

        December 18, 2012
  18. These look amazing! And the recipe sounds great! I’d love to give it a go sometime! 🙂

    December 17, 2012
    • YOU HAVE TO!!! Sorry, I got excited there. But for reals…these cookies are SO good!

      December 17, 2012
  19. Laurel #

    Ninjas!!!! So cute. Gingerbread is always on my list Christmas or not. I’ll definitely have to see about working these into the schedule. oh, and BTW do not ever make a shortbread crust and top them with lemon marshmallows. More than your life is worth not to mention major Sugar Buzz! xoxo

    December 17, 2012
    • I cannot wait to hear what you think about these, Laurel!, she says as she stuffs shortbread and marshmallows into her mouth…

      December 17, 2012
  20. Well, I just want to say a HUGE Thank You because I ordered those Ninja cookie cutters as well as gingerbread skeleton cookie cutters and they are supposed to arrive today. But I didn’t have a recipe for GF, vegan gingerbread cookies. I thought I was going to have to use them to make sugar cookies, which I am not fond of at all. So, Thanks again!

    December 17, 2012
    • Get out! Both of those cutters were my stocking stuffers too!! haha. The Gingerbread Man pictured is actually from that skeleton cutter set 🙂 It is destiny, isn’t?! Happy Baking! xo

      December 17, 2012
  21. Where did you find those ninja cookie cutters? I LOVE them.

    December 17, 2012
    • They were actually a stocking stuffer. In my house, is it obvious that we cannot wait for Christmas? Truth be told, we have already opened all of our presents. ha. Oh, and ps the cutters are from Target 🙂

      December 17, 2012
  22. OH. MY. GAWD! These top my Lego men FOR SURE! These are amazing and I can’t wait to make them for Santa. Ka Pow! Take that Christmas baking! I just kicked your aaaaaassssss!!!

    December 17, 2012
    • HiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiYa!
      And those don’t top the Lego men–they are equal in awesomeness!

      December 17, 2012
      • OK, equally cool. HIIIIIIYA! Namaste (Ninjaman bows to Legoman palms at heart center).

        December 17, 2012
  23. SO cute!! I want some gingery ninja men! Talk about a kick in your taste buds 😉

    December 17, 2012
    • Aren’t these just the most fun cookie cutters? I am in love ❤ HiiiiiiiiYa!

      December 17, 2012

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