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Seedless Watermelon Candies

Having a blog can be a lot of work.

{Especially for someone like me who pours her heart into the things she loves}

…and this blog is definitely something I love.

I can easily put 30 hours a week into this.

Part because I am crazy.

Part because this is my passion.

Part because I have found my calling.

Part because I have fallen in love with all of you.


You really are.

If we were in the same classroom,

I would give each and every one of you a Valentine’s Day card

with a piece of candy attached.

I got this idea from however I used the recipe that requires corn syrup (yuck!). 3 attempts later, this is what I found that works easiest without that nasty syrup aftertaste. 

Watermelon Hard Candy Recipe

Makes approx. 40 pieces


  • 1 c. sugar
  • 1 c. water
  • food coloring
  • fruit-flavored essence (or oil)–flavor of your choice (you can find this at Michael’s, JoAnn’s, or other cooking/baking stores)


  1. Place parchment paper into a small pan (I used my 7″x5″ one)
  2. Place sugar and water into a saucepan. Bring to soft boil, stirring constantly.
  3. Cover and allow to boil for 3-5 minutes. Remove cover and place thermometer into saucepan. Do not stir anymore at this point. When it reaches 310 degrees, remove from heat.
  4. Allow the mix to sit for 30 seconds-1 minute. Place a couple of drops of coloring and essence/oil and stir. Pour into parchment-lined pan. Let it cool briefly for 4 minutes (you want the candy harden a little but still soft so you can cut through it).
  5. Using kitchen scissors, cut into desired shapes. Dust with powdered sugar (this keeps from the candy from sticking together).

Or if you wanna make them into lollipops, you can easily place a sheet of parchment paper down, lie a lollipop stick onto the paper, and proceed to pour the warm candy mix onto the stick. Allow to cool to harden.

I would sign the card,

“Thank you for brightening my day every day!”

And then I would inevitably break out in song,

singing the theme to “The Golden Girls”…

45 Comments Post a comment
  1. Those look so good. I just found your blog via Pinterest. Blogging is a lot of work! I’m just starting out but I love it!

    February 1, 2013
  2. I’m a little behind on my blog reading (7 classes this semester – yeowza!), but I had to share…As I began reading your post about befriending all of “us,” I started singing the Golden Girls theme song in my head. And then I finished reading and laughed out loud. Thankfully, the only one here to hear me and wonder why I’m laughing hysterically at the computer is my pet fish.

    January 26, 2012
    • I so wish *I* could have heard that! That is sooooooooooo funny. See? This is why I have befriended you. And Veronica, if you threw a party, invited everyone you knew… haha

      January 26, 2012
  3. Hi, these sound gorgeous. and they look, to me, a bit like proper Turkish delight in their colour and texture 🙂

    January 24, 2012
    • Hi Claire! Thank you for the comment! Can you believe that I have never had a Turkish Delight???

      January 24, 2012
  4. Genius.

    January 23, 2012
    • Will you send that to my father??? haha

      January 23, 2012
  5. So beautiful! I do believe that sugar work will be one of the next food trends.

    January 21, 2012
    • Sarah, it is sooooo much fun! eeeeeeee, getting excited just thinking about it. I am just dabbling now so I am excited to actually grow in my lack of skills. Excited for you and your new sugar adventures 🙂

      January 23, 2012
  6. I can’t believe how many times you post a week! Everytime I come around there are two or three new posts! No wonder you can spend easily 30 hours a week on this.
    I don’t think I will ever be brave enough to venture into candy making, but these look sooo good! And watermelon is just in season now!

    Keep up the good work ❤ You are amazing!

    January 21, 2012
    • Okay, I have seen what you are capable (which is incredible, p.s.) so I KNOW that candy making would be simple for you. In fact, this is coming from the girl who used to be afraid of the candy thermometer. You would be fabulous making candy! Now I want you to start making candy. haha. And thank you for the seriously amazingly sweet words. WOW. I am blown away. xo. {and YOU are amazing as well!!!}

      January 23, 2012
  7. Are these as good as they look?? NOT that I need to add to the chocolate cupcakes and gingerbread vegans that I made in the last three days 🙂


    P.S. We love you, too!

    January 21, 2012
    • Probably not. haha. But can you really go wrong with sugar???? And watermelon flavor??? Gingerbread vegans? hahahaha. I love that. xoxoxox!

      January 23, 2012
  8. I love your dedication and passion! I sooooo could spend 30 hours blogging per week too!
    These candies are creative and incredible – goooooo Cara! You seriously rock my world! Xoxoxo

    January 20, 2012
    • I guess I can say that I have a group of incredible bloggers who inspire me daily (you are at the top of my list). That is where I find my dedication and passion 🙂 xo

      January 23, 2012
  9. Your pictures are so lovely! 😀 And this recipe seems so delicious! Thanks for sharing it with us! 🙂

    January 20, 2012
    • Thank you so much, Aurelie! {beautiful name, by the way!} How sweet of you to comment–so appreciated!

      January 23, 2012
  10. ntepper #

    AWWW! Cutest post ever! Don’t put in 30 hours a week, but continue to update as often as possible because I LOVE your posts! These are so cute and unique, great job!

    January 20, 2012
    • I’m conflicted. I have to upkeep this much time in order to keep up with all of you 🙂 I actually LOVE LOVE LOVE it and would add another 20 hours/week just to hear you say great job. xo Thank you for being a fan. For reals. Means the world to me.

      January 23, 2012
  11. Yum lum lum! So very pretty! I have a cold and all I want is hard candy to suck on. These look perfect! (Send me up a bag m’kay?)

    January 20, 2012
    • Yum lum lum??? HAHA. You definitely need some hard candy to make that cold go away. Sending you a box full… 🙂 Hope you are feeling better now too. xo

      January 23, 2012
  12. super cool! i love those lollies and that jar full of candy! lots of hugs back at ya.. you are super fabulous with your witty posts and fun themes! Have a fantastic weekend! and i will make some dinner rolls for u someday!

    January 20, 2012
    • I am loving this idea of a bartering system that we are developing, Richa. Now, if only we get our butts in gear and follow through on it! xo

      January 23, 2012
  13. oh, how I wish I was chillin’ in my guest room right now. with you. and Basil. and these.

    January 20, 2012
    • Soon!!!!! How fun would that be? Crap, this means that I need to actually do everything that I have said thus far, huh? bahaha.

      January 23, 2012
  14. Thanks for the lovely message, that’s really sweet, made sweeter by the candy recipe that follows too 🙂 I love the colour of the candy.

    January 20, 2012
    • Isn’t pink a delight? I love love love the shade of color, too 🙂 xo

      January 23, 2012
  15. Lizzie #

    Oh, dear, just when I was trying to resolve to make less sweets…

    January 20, 2012
    • Yeah, you and me both, Lizzie. Maybe F&B will be taking a healthier twist soon. This belly of mine needs it 🙂

      January 23, 2012
  16. So.Much. Fun. – can you get any cooler Cara, I mean come on making your own watermelon Candies – amazing!

    January 20, 2012
    • Goodness, you are my self-seteem booster 🙂 Who needs therapy? Just start a blog and have THE coolest people like you saying the nicest things. Man. xo THANK YOU.

      January 23, 2012
  17. Laurel #

    Gotta work on my essence. BTW – You make My day! Pretty photo, nice jar.

    January 20, 2012

      January 23, 2012
  18. watermelon?! how did you know that was my favourite? these look delightful, but since you made them that is no surprise 🙂

    thank you for sharing yourself with us via fork and beans cara! and thank you for the genuine belly laughs that oft ensue reading your words. last night’s laugh? finding myself under your “people i stalk” tab. amazing. xo

    January 20, 2012
    • I knew watermelon was your favorite because I have been stalking you… Glad it made you laugh and freak you out…yet, that is. Wait until you see the telescope I have set up across the street from your house 🙂 And a BIG thank you for your super kind words that just touched my heart. Truly. xo

      January 23, 2012
  19. Going to have to make a batch of these for my hubby for Valentine’s Day. He LOVES Jolly Ranchers and I know they are full of nasty stuff. Interesting that your best luck was with simple sugar and water vs corn syrup. Thanks. You have a great blog. Gotta send the link to my celiac friend.

    January 20, 2012
    • Hi Kelly! Hoping these turn out alright for you and your husband. I need to figure out what the secret is to making jolly ranchers. Those things are so tasty. These don’t quite taste like it but I’m still searching.. xo

      January 23, 2012
  20. I really need to venture more into the world of candy making. I even have lollipop sticks and molds. Now I just need some nice flavor essences!

    January 20, 2012
    • Giiiiirrrrrlll, be careful! If you don’t wanna venture out of the candy making world, then definitely enter into it 🙂 You are already half way there… Let me know when you have taken the Matrix’s blue candy pill. No returning… hehe

      January 23, 2012
  21. Kelly C #

    Aww shucks! How sweet! I love your jar by the way!

    January 20, 2012
    • Guess where I got that???? 🙂

      January 23, 2012
  22. These are such beautiful photos and such a beautiful message! You rock my dear, in the sweet hard candy kind of way :D…

    January 20, 2012
    • This just made my heart smile. Thank you for that, Reid. Loved this comment so much…

      January 23, 2012
  23. Wow – it’s like your very own jolly ranchers! They look yummy. BTW, you brighten my day 😀

    January 20, 2012
    • Oooooooh Jolly Ranchers–I loved those. And wouldn’t you know it, watermelon was my favorit flavor too 🙂 That, and apple. And guess what? YOU brighten MY day! We are even…

      January 23, 2012

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